It used to be that you had to rely on the advice of an insurance agent (passed down from generation to generation) to buy life insurance, but the 21st century has changed all that. Now you can do your own research online and learn just about everything you need to know about the type of insurance that is right for you and your family. When it comes to purchasing simple, straightforward term life insurance, most educated consumers can choose for themselves. What they might not realize is that rates for term life are at historic lows right now so they will probably end up paying even less than they thought for this cheapest type of life insurance. But if you think you have more complex financial issues, you should invest the time to discuss your needs with a certified financial planner. Most people who are looking to save on their life insurance will want to do their research online and will want to learn about the factors that will reward them with the lowest rates. One of the best ways to save on your coverage is to simply do your best to maintain good health. Insurers are risk-averse, meaning they avoid customers with chronic health problems or who might be more likely to die prematurely. Insurance carriers might insure those individuals but they will place them in higher-risk classes and charge higher premiums. The best rates are reserved for the healthiest people.
Finding great life insurance resources is much easier than it ever has been. People who are looking for advice have thousands of online sources that they can consult; a lot of the information is literally at your fingertips. Use the free tools that we provide here to compare your options, find cheap rates, and get the kind of protection that you need to protect your family’s financial future.
Read the following sections for more advice:
With all of the plan choices, figuring out which policy is best for you and your family can be overwhelming.
LifeQuote offers several features to help make the process of finding the right life insurance as simple and painless as possible. Our easy-to-use calculator helps you to better identify your insurance needs and figure out how much insurance you need and for how long, we have a user-friendly tool to help you every step of the way.
Visit our FAQs about Life Insurance section to get more answers to frequently asked questions.
To compare quotes, simply click get a quote and you will be taken to a page that asks you to complete a form. If you’re unsure of how much coverage you need, or how long the term should be, connect with one of our knowledgeable representatives immediately. You can send us an email or call our licensed agents at (800) 521-7873.