
There’s a lot to say about life insurance! Check out the latest news, FAQs, and insights on our life insurance blog, chock full of useful information and breaking news. Our life insurance blogger is hard at work searching out new insights, news, and company reviews just for you.

Need help getting a quote or want a life insurance review? Call us at (800) 521-7873 or email us at hello@lifequote.com. We’ll show you what’s available and help you find the best carriers and rates for your unique situation.

Life Insurance Insights

In this section of our blog, we cover a wide range of topics that matter to families like yours. For example, how has COVID changed the process of getting life insurance? We also look for ways to highlight how life insurance is part of a stable financial plan for you and your family. Think of this as a life insurance editorial – we’re curating the issues we think are most important for our clients.

Here are just some of the issues we’ve covered in our life insurance blog:

  • Lapsed policies. It can happen to anyone. Financial insecurity, a global pandemic, or maybe a job layoff – there are plenty of reasons why you might have let your policy lapse. But if so, what do you do now? Is your coverage gone forever or can you reinstate it? We’ll answer all those questions here in this life insurance editorial piece.
  • Common myths. If you think the coverage you have at work is adequate, you’ve fallen for one of the most common life insurance myths! It’s almost never adequate, in fact. It’s usually just a token amount (often $10,000 or less), and won’t do much more than provide for burial expenses. If you have a family that depends on your income, you need a better solution with a lot more financial firepower to care for your loved ones. Our life insurance blogger is here to explain how – and show you six more common myths.
  • Life insurance for millennials. Only about 10% of millennials have adequate life insurance coverage. Yikes! And according to LIMRA’s life insurance editorial piece, most people – especially millennials – overestimate how much a new policy would cost by as much as 3X. If you’re young and healthy and don’t have life insurance yet, what’s stopping you? It’ll cost much less now than later, and if you’re already overestimating that cost, chances are you could get an affordable policy now and check this item off your to-do list forever.
  • Caring for aging parents. More and more people are falling into what’s called the “sandwich generation.” We’re talking about people age 35 to 55 who have to take care of their own kids, plus their aging parents. A Pew Research Center study shows that almost 50% of adults in their 40s and 50s fall into this group. If that’s you, our life insurance blogger takes a look at how to handle the financial planning aspects of your aging parents’ needs.

Want a free life insurance review to make sure your policy is still the most affordable one out there for your age and health?

Call our licensed insurance agents at (800) 521-7873 or email us at hello@lifequote.com.

Life Insurance News

In this section of our blog, we bring you life insurance news in general, as well as features about specific providers. These providers release news, stats, and new programs to stay ahead of the competition, and we bring them straight to you to help you make an educated decision. Here are just some of the stories we cover in this portion of our life insurance blog:

  • John Hancock Helping Identify COVID risk factors. In this life insurance editorial piece, we describe how John Hancock’s Vitality Program is sending high-risk consumers blood oxygen level meters. These meters help tell the difference between an emergency and a non-life-threating illness. The data they’re collecting is also revealing some interesting facts about COVID. Check this out: if you’re a 45-year-old who exercises once a week, your mortality risk from COVID is the same as a 65-year-old who exercises four times a week. Dust off that gym membership or those walking shoes!
  • Vaccines don’t affect your life insurance status. In this timely piece of life insurance news, we cover the situation where false information appeared on social media about life insurance and vaccine status. Not long afterward, the American Council of Life Insurers cleared the air. No, they clarified – getting a COVID vaccine has absolutely no bearing on whether or not your insurer will pay a claim.
  • Americans are panic-buying life insurance. After several years of dwindling sales, life insurance sales boomed in 2020, thanks to the pandemic. When a threat like COVID emerges, it’s natural to think about your own mortality. And for many people, that thought drove them to seek out life insurance in case the worst happened. But who was actually buying? And what type of coverage did they seek out? In this life insurance news post, we explain it all.
  • Is life insurance a status symbol? One life insurance blogger shares their thoughts about the connection between how much life insurance you have and what you believe the value of your life is.

Want a life insurance review?

We’ll take a look at any existing coverage you have and see if it still meets your needs – or if there might be a more affordable option out there for you. Call us at (800) 521-7873 or email us at hello@lifequote.com.

What Else We Offer

If you’d rather get down to business than read a life insurance blog, we get it! Let’s get started:

  • Get a quote. Ready to see what a new policy would cost? If you have 30 seconds, you can get a quote for a new term or permanent policy. Just pick the coverage length you want in our easy online quoter – policies start with 1 year renewable terms, and go all the way up to lifetime coverage.
  • Check out company reviews. Sometimes you need to know a little more about the company you’re buying from. Who has the best financial ratings? What kinds of customers do they serve best? Our life insurance editorial pieces with company reviews give you the details to help you make an educated decision.
  • Figure out how much coverage you need. What should your insurance cover? This tool will tell you. Many of our clients come to us without a good idea of how much coverage to apply for. That’s not surprising – because a lot more should go into your financial planning than just using your annual salary as a starting point. Our insurance calculator asks you for 7 pieces of information that will help create a fuller picture of your loved ones’ financial needs.
  • See sample rates. If you’re making a budget, you probably want to know how much to allocate to life insurance. These sample rates can help you figure out a rough estimate. You can refine that estimate by getting a quote, too. The sample rates can also help you figure out how much coverage you might be able to afford.

Need help getting a quote or want a life insurance review?

Call us at (800) 521-7873 or email us at hello@lifequote.com. We’ll show you what’s available and help you find the best carriers and rates for your unique situation.

August 28, 2020

The Best Life Insurance Options for Millennials

For millennials who are beginning a new phase of life, here is everything you need to know about choosing the best life insurance for you and making an informed decision for your financial future.
August 11, 2020

5 Tips to Financially Plan for Parenthood

Having a baby completely changes your life by bringing about new challenges and financial concerns. For those who want to take the right steps to financially prepare, here are 5 tips to consider as you enter this new stage of life.
August 3, 2020

Does Debt Die with You? | Estate Planning and Life Insurance

If you are one of the many Americans struggling with some form of debt, you may be concerned about what will become of it in the future. Find out whether your debt does die with you and the role life insurance can play when this happens.
July 28, 2020

Caring for Aging Parents | How Life Insurance Can Help

There are a lot of things to consider when you make the decision to care for parents who might not be able to care for themselves. Buying life insurance for your parents is a way to provide the best care for them while planning for and not having to worry about your own future.
July 24, 2020

How Telemedicine is Shaping the Post-COVID Health Industry

COVID-19 has been causing drastic changes in many areas of life, including the healthcare industry. Learn more about how providers are stepping up to use telemedicine services to provide alternate forms of care in today’s climate.
July 6, 2020

The Amount of Life Insurance You Own is a Symbol of Your Status

Sometimes a lost sale is more than just a lost sale.
June 30, 2020

6 Mistakes Men Make When Buying Life Insurance

Men typically pay more for insurance, but finding affordable life insurance is within reach, assuming they avoid the most common mistakes men make when purchasing a policy.
June 22, 2020

Being a Virtual Wedding Guest During COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, many things in life have had to change, including weddings. Read more to find out what it means to attend and make the most of a virtual wedding.
June 19, 2020

Dads, Thank You for Teaching Us about Money

With Father’s Day just around the corner, we want to take the time to thank all the dads out there for teaching us the important things about money and reflect on the lessons we’ve learned.