Here you will find some frequently asked questions related LifeQuote. If you need any other information you can easily connect with us through email or you can even give us a call at 1-800-521-7873.
No, LifeQuote is an independent company that provides an internet consumer service and markets life insurance policies from all of the top life insurance companies.
LifeQuote is an independent company. We do not work for or are a part of, any insurance company. We do select from most of the competitive products available based on LifeQuote´s criteria. On rare occasions, we may even quote a product we do not normally offer in the special interest of the consumer. If so, we will advise you of that fact.
LifeQuote constantly reviews new products and rates from the top rated insurance companies in America. No one company has the “best” life insurance product for every age, amount, or situation. Your personal needs are unique. We at LifeQuote understand this. Therefore we always provide a selection of competitive products from different life insurance companies. The selections shown are the competitive rates currently available. Rates may change when the insurance company actually evaluates your insurance application. Which one is best for you? That is a personal decision.
LifeQuote is an independent company providing consumer Life Insurance Information and free life insurance price comparisons from selected insurance companies. LifeQuote provides numerous choices based on premium, and other criteria. We do not make the choice for you, but we do provide you with highly Competitive Life Insurance Quotes and the information to help you make an informed choice.